Wednesday, August 28, 2013


There was this boy,
A real good boy, he caused no trouble,
But then he fell, he fell so hard,
So hard in love,
And there were these boys, these real bad boys,
They felt so jealous,
For she was, a very fine girl, yes a very fine girl,
So they conceived a bad idea,
An awful idea,
So, as he worked out, trying to better his health,
These boys, these terrible boys,
Dropped a weight on his head, 
And there, yes there he lay, defenseless and dead,
They tucked him away, to be found on another day,
And those boys, those horrible boys,
Walked away, far away,
To a light a glorious light,
That poor Kendrick Johnson, would never see again.
And those boys, those terrible boys, they got off
Because they had skin, very pale skin.
Does this sound familiar? Because it should,
For there was a boy, a very dark boy named Emmett Till,
And he whistled,
at a woman, a very white woman,
He didn't know that in the south he would be killed,
For telling a woman, a very fine woman,
How fine she was.
You know the story, so I won't repeat, for it's just too sad,
But those men, you know those men, 
That killed Emmett Till,
They got off, with no charge, no charge at all,
There'll be no justice, no justice at all for these young men,
Their bodies, will begin to rot,
Flies will have a meal,
Oh the smell,
No prom, no prom for them,
No not at all,
So the prejudice, we thought was gone, oh so far gone,
Is here and here to stay, until we bring,
Kendrick Johnson's killers, to the light, the very bright light,
Because the boy, that very young boy's death,
Was not accidental, no not that,
No not at all.......

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