Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How I feel....

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
Words hurt, and they hurt like a female dog,
The difference between sticks and stones is that,
Although they may cause excruciating pain for a while,
The pain stops eventually,
The bruises fade,
And before you know it you're healed,
And that pain that once seemed everlasting,
Becomes a distant memory.
Words have no time limit.
The things people say to you can linger inside of you and eat you up.
When you keep on hearing the negative,
Then the positive begin to seem like lies.
The postives become a dim voice, competing with the "uglies, stupids, & fats",
All being blasted on a megatron.
It can't compete.
It won't win.
As the words begin to take a permanent place in your head,
It turns your mind into a black abyss, swimming with negativity,
When you can't escape the darkness,
And the pain gets to hard to bear,
You can not think,
You can not function,
You can not distinguish right and wrong,
You are merely existing, not living,
You're trapped in a sea of hate towards yourself,
It gets so bad, you don't remember why you're sad in the first place.....
You just are.
Be careful of the words that you choose to use towards another living being,
They have feelings just like you have....or once did.
One day, you may say the wrong words,
To the wrong person,
And that person has been trapped, for a tad too long.

I wrote this after an incident at school where someone told me, "You two are one of the ugliest mother fuckers I've ever seen". I usually don't let comments get to me but this one tortured me for months. Writing this really, helped me to cope with the feelings of distraught I had and I eventually got over it. He's in all level 3 (lowest level class) anyways lol.

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