Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Generation X

All I want to say is that they don't really care about us.
They don't, they won't,
We are a minority, they are a majority.
They want the weak to fade.
We don't need them to stay.
Before our home was intruded by porcelain,
We had nations far and wide.
There were kings and queens all with black faces,
Palaces inscribed with our true names,
Not our given names,
Given by our captors, that we still use today.
We let greed get the better of us,
That's how they caught us.
We exchanged pennies for people.
We didn't care about us,
How can we believe that they would ever care about us?
Those same Judas's that sold our people out,
Became the same Uncle Tom's that continue to beckon,
Yes suh.
Never, no suh.
It's time to reclaim our people.
Restore ourselves to our former glory.
Start from fresh,
We can be generation X.

We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us~~~ Malcolm X

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