Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Cryptic World

When I was young, I believed God cried when it rained,
Cried for me, cried for you,
Cried for the dead,
The murdered,
The children with no homes,
The bad people whose souls were dead before their bodies,
Now I know the science behind rain,
But that doesn't mean I can't believe just the same,
This world is nothing but crazy,
Crazy good, but unfortunately also, crazy bad.
When tragedies happen such as Newtown, 9/11, Boston,
We turn are attention to the murderers, not the murdered,
We say this world has no hope, no chance,
How far humanity has fallen,
But what about the people who risked their lives saving others,
The people who brought candles to vigils,
The families of the victims,
They didn't hurt anybody but because one person did,
That means the world has no hope.
False, after those tragedies I've never seen more hope.
People banding together to help people they never knew. Hope.
People giving their money to aide victims. Hope.
People opening their homes to give whatever they can. Hope.
So don't tell me there is no hope in humanity,
When Jesus suffered a violent death to give hope to humanity.
For every wrong done within our world,
Think of the ten more rights done as well.

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